The newest package design book to hit the streets is Box Bottle Bag by Andrew Gibbs, the founder and editor of TheDieline.com. I got a chance to look at Box Bottle Bag over when Andrew showed up at the Debbie Millman lecture last Friday in Orange County. Box Bottle Bag is clean, crisp and cool full of great design inspiration and creativity. The book is packed with wonderfully large images of some of the best package designs that have been released in recent times. Package design has risen to the forefront of today's modern age of branding and this book is a showcase and testimonial to prove why. The book's images are some of the best I have seen in a package design book and the range of categories that is covered is extraordinarily large from food to consumer products to high end lines to wines. Box Bottle Bag is an excellent book for inspiration and stimulation for any package designer.
Andrew Gibbs will be hosting a Release Party and Signing for his new book in Los Angeles on February 21st from 5-7 pm. He will have copies and a sharpie to sign books along with good company and beverages. To read about the Release Party and to sign up, visit this link at TheDieline.com.
To purchase a copy of Box Bottle Bag which is now shipping click here look for it on the shelves of your local bookstore soon.

(Andrew signing his first copy of Box Bottle Bag and presenting it to Debbie Millman)
On a personnel note, Andrew was a past package design student of mine. I still remember him telling about starting TheDieline.com several years ago. I am very proud of him and his accomplishments with his website becoming the #1 resource for inspiration and happenings in the package design world and this book. From a simple idea and an enthusiasm for package design, Andrew has taken his passion and turned it into a passion for all us to share. Great job Andrew, I look forward to having you sign my copy of Box Bottle Bag at your release party and to Box Bottle Bag 2.
I struggle with why anyone would want a signed copy and the whole idea of a book signing for this publication.
I mean, he's not an writer, he didn't pen a great novel, he merely took a bunch of images that were sent to him and arranged them into a book.
It seems a bit egotistical to assume that people would even want the book let alone a signed copy.
Dear Anonymous-
It seems that someone has no understanding what goes into a book. I know that Andrew put together these images in a way to weave us through today's complex world of packaging. Much time was put into organization, selection and getting this book produced from an idea to the finished product. For these reasons alone this book deserves to be autographed. If you can not see a value in this effort I feel distressed for your lack of understanding of this process. Andrew does not express this book to be more than what it is, a book of great works for all to view and to spark inspiration within us. Many books on design, and I venture to say most that are out now, are compilations of images to help with our research needs and serve as a stimulus to us as designers. If you feel so strongly about this, sign with a name next time please or will you be authoring a like book soon yourself and want to go by Anonymous.
Daniel Gross
aNEW designs blog
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