A visit to Yosemite National Park (
@YosemiteNPS) is a pleasure at anytime of the year but Spring brings not only Dogwoods blooming but falls that overflow with the Spring melt. Yosemite National Park is one of America's greatest parks and showcases the beauty of the country. Surrounded by granite cliffs and formations formed over the ages, your breath is taken away upon entering the majestic valley. A trip to Yosemite will refresh and inspire your soul. You start by getting everyday life to float away on a mountain stream. Soon you can smell the fresh pines, hear the falls thundering and feel the breath of mist on your face. Now you are in Yosemite. You gaze up high as you round a corner on a trail and see Yosemite Falls peaking through the branches and glance below to see a delicate mountain flower pink with delight. This is Yosemite, a place of beauty, life and wonder. I awoke the next morning to a Spring snow on the valley floor and cliffs dusted with beauty. This place has inspired over the years and the naturist John Muir spoke of this place of wonder and peace,
"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves."
Come experience this wonderful cathedral of nature, a place of such wonder that you will dream and understand what really is important in life.
Learn more and plan your visit to
Yosemite National Park at this link. Words and images can not explain her beauty, it must be experienced for oneself.
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