I was cumming the waters of the world wide web looking for great design stuff and came upon a gem of a section at the AIGA site. The presentations from the 2009 Make/Think Design Conference are in video form on the site. I was especially taken by the wonderful presentation by Carin Goldberg, Inspiration or Motivation? The site describes Carin Goldberg's presentation as:
Inspiration. It looks good, tastes good and feels good. We are hooked on its revelatory highs and illuminating epiphanies, but inspiration is fleeting and ephemeral, always leaving us wanting. Motivation. Whether we are driven by money, neurosis, love, fame or revenge, our motivation is never as sweet as inspiration, but it does get us out of bed in the morning. Carin Goldberg shares what has inspired her work and what has motivated her to work over the last 30 years.
Goldberg describes our continuous search for great inspiration as "crack for a designer". The presentation is thoughtful and inspiring. Watch the video at
this link and see
additional videos from the Make/Think Conference that are also available to review in this section of the AIGA site. Enjoy and see what makes the AIGA conferences so good.