Adobe recently held its annual Adobe® Design Achievement Awards. This contest for student worldwide shows some of the best up in coming designers. I found this one work by Paul Grabowski from the University of Applied Sciences Wuerzburg-Schweinfurt that I just love. It is a type poster titled TDC NY on the DRUPA 2008. I found this poster to be inspiring. The work and detail that went into this poster is fabulous. The entire design was formed solely with type faces. Paul wrote:
The challenge was to create a poster for the 54th Show of the Type Directors Club Of New York (TDC NY). This TDC-Show poster will be exhibited on the DRUPA 2008 in Duesseldorf/Germany, which is the biggest exposition of the paper and print industry in the world.
I wanted to communicate the significance of the exhibition and the principles of the TDC by celebrating typography. I visualized this celebration with pretentious ornaments composed only of type. To be consistent, I reduced the composition of the ornaments solely on letters. I use no punctuation marks or any other sort of type aside from letters to appear in my Type-Ornamentic.
The best of luck to Paul in the future and I look forward to seeing where his talents take him. To view this and more fine design works visit the ADAA site at www.adaaentry.com/adaalive.html
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