If you are a procrastinator, and you know who your are, take a look at this list that will sure to please the designers or designer types in your life.

One can never be without a good knife that can get you our of those MacGyver moments. The best one going is always a Swiss Army Knife. Functional, full of style and lets everyone know you are someone that can solve their problems.

I have been loving the quality of the photos I take with my iPhone over the last year. But if you are looking to add that certain something something to your photos, check out this Fisheye and Wide Angle Lens designed to work on your iPhone. It looks fab and I will have to try and get one myself.

The good folks over at the TypographyShop have been making Type T-Shirts that say it all. The designs are simple and modern and show the world well, YOU LOVE TYPE. What designer does not want to show you give a damn and get it when it come to type. Check out a complete line for men, women, and little future designers at the TyprographyShop. Go ahead and live life sans serif.

One of my favorite designers, Paula Scher, has her work available now for a price we can all afford at 20X200. 20X200 has great art that is available to all. You have to check out the site to see the art and photos that are sure to give your space a designer look and still allow you to have left over money to enjoy a holiday drink.

Love all things small and you will want these images. Street artist Slinkachu has produced these great photos of little people living lives in a big world. He has a book available and images for sale on the site. Well worth the look for inspiration and a smile.

A good designer must keep notes and ideas in a place that is convenient and easy to carry. The prefect solution is the Field Notes Brand designed by Draplin Designs, from Portland, Oregon in conjunction with Coudal Partners of Chicago, Illinois. These books will keep your ideas organized and make you look like a designer that you want to be.

My English friend, Justin Knopp at Typoretum, has several wonderful letterpress items for sale on his site. Justin is a master at the letterpress and produces work that will show you why we love this craft so much. Each item is a small production run and crafted with the most experience and passionate eye for typography. Work from Justin Knopp at Typoretum will become items that you cherish for years to come.

I have a special place in my heart for France after living there for a year. My Paris living friend, Anne Ditmeyer of the PretaVoyager fame, has worked up a holiday list for the Francophile on the wonderful Design*Sponge site. The list includes fashion, art and home goods that will have you saying Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année tres vite.
I hope everyone has a joyous holiday season and a happy new year!!
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