The political conventions are happening so I figured I give a short personnel input on a issue that needs to be looked at with our next president. We need to put an end to our oil demands from countries abroad and start the conversion of the US with clean power sources, which in itself will help the US economy out and start to slow the progress of global warming. I have spoken to friends for many years that we need a "new" Apollo project where our country invests in our future and this investment will lead us again in the right direction. We Can Solve It has a mission statement that I hope we can all agree upon-
We must rebuild our economy, lower fuel costs, free ourselves from our addiction to oil, and save ourselves from the climate crisis. To do this, we need to demand that we Repower America with 100% clean electricity within 10 years. Meeting this ambitious goal would create millions of new jobs, lead to lower energy costs for families and help America lead the fight against global warming.
To learn more about this go to www.wecansolveit.org. Sign up and let your government know that can and must find solutions.
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